SHEPHERD&CO Real Estate Advisory

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Subject To Sale + Settlement

Our clients had their hearts set on a sprawling sea side acreage property in Dodges Ferry. The challenge lay in the fact they had 2 compromised adjoining main road properties in semi industrial Claremont they needed to sell first, and fast.  

Shepherd and Co quickly identified the client’s properties highest and best use, assisted the clients in terminating their residential sales campaign, and quickly appointed an exceptional experienced commercial agent to market the properties as a development site. After having their initial offer firmly declined prior to engaging us, we were able to work with the Dodges Ferry selling agent, instil confidence that all moving parts would align, and their new home was successfully negotiated subject to a short sale and settlement condition. Shepherd and Co worked with the selling agent to deliver a swift tender campaign resulting in 2 unconditional contracts allowing the clients to meet their contractual obligations and move in on schedule.   

Vendor Advocacy + Buyers Advocacy  

Market Sector:

Urgent premium level sale of 2 properties required to fund and purchase 1 contemporary home .